Terms & Conditions

Prices in the original currency SEK is in force. Deviations from the conditions are only valid if both parties have signed special agreements that regulate this.


These conditions are valid wherever Swedish or other applicable law do not provide conditions that are in conflict with them. For residential consumers, the Consumer Protection and Distance Contracts which also includes protection for the sales company. More information on these matters is on the Consumer Agency's website, www.kov.se


In the event that the customer is under 18 years old must obtain parental permission before the purchase. Orders made in another person's name without his consent, or otherwise involving the Merchant suffer economic damage, police reported. Sales Company disclaims for typographical errors, errors in information and errors in specifications on any of the Merchant's range of products and services. All pictures should be seen as illustrations which do not guarantee correct appearance and characteristics.

Right of ownership:

All products remain the Merchant's property until full payment has been received.

Liability for defects:

Merchant responsibility for errors in delivery is limited to the current conditions of the Merchant bears no direct or indirect responsibility for example, but not limited to, incompatibility, delivery delays, downtime, data loss, additional work or other economic harm.

Complaints Terms and withdrawal:

It is appropriate that the customer arrival check delivery to verify that this is correct and error free. At the complaint must contact the Merchant's complaint department by phone 0708-139169, e-mail info@golflinks.se or via the Merchant website www.golflinks.se and provide the order id together with the cause for complaint. During a complaint the customer must request a so-called RN (return number), which is valid for 14 days. In all cases when a product is returned to the Merchant consumer must first receive a RN. Return package must be clearly marked with the RN. The customer should write received RN package patch so that the original packaging is not damaged. Defective products returned to the Merchant should be treated as if they were flawless. It is in all types of returns extremely important that the product packaged in such a way that it can not be damaged. For residential consumers in consumer purchasing, which means that the customer has the right to freight paid in return a valid file. At Merchant has private consumer the right to obtain a prepaid package patch to the mailing. In the event the complaint is not valid and the customer has received a prepaid package patch to send itself, charged shipping cost return. In the case returned reason, complaints and errors can not be detected, a fee of 200: - + VAT + shipping return and handling cost for the case. Consignments missing RN returned to the customer and the shipping cost will be charged. Merchant reserves the right to replace defective product with an equivalent in cases identical goods not available. Private Consumers have the right to cancel the purchase within 14 days under the Distance Contracts. The right applies under the Act only if the product and its original packaging can be returned in the same state. The product must not be used. Do consumers use their right of withdrawal should contact the Merchant for obtaining an RN. Return shipping is paid by the consumer. For products that are customized for particular customer, not replacement, open purchase or withdrawal. If an item is damaged during transport, the Merchant within five days for information about compensation.

Unclaimed consignments:

For consignment which is not dissolved out after which the package is returned to the Merchant, a fee of 250: - + VAT to cover the Merchant's expenses for transportation and administration.

Transport Damaged Goods:

If a product from the Merchant damaged during transport, whether the damage is visible or hidden, should be reported immediately to the carrier (typically, the Postal Service) within 7 days.

Force majeure


Events such as war, natural disasters, strikes, government decisions, failed deliveries from subcontractors, costly event and similar events outside the Merchant's control, which could not reasonably have been foreseen, shall by force majeure, which means that the Merchant is released from its obligations to fulfill agreements.

Merchant reserves the right to change all information, including but not limited to prices, technical specifications and product offerings without prior notice. At any final sale at the stated price or because that a sale item deleted, Merchant right to cancel the purchase and refund any amount paid in the best way. Merchant shall also inform the consumer about possible equivalent replacement products if available.